Wednesday, January 4, 2012

meet Kelsey.

25 Things You Didnt Know About Kelsey... high school student by day, front desk coordinator by night. super stylish and follows Katie's philosophy: you can never be too tan or too blonde!

1. i like to sew.
2. i have two sisters.
3. i've been riding horses since i was four!
4. i love kids and babies.
5. i have four dogs and one horse.
6. i love summer.
7. celebrity crush - Ryan Gosling.
8. i want to see Paris before i die.
9. i never want to move out of Iowa.
10. favorite colors - pink and yellow.
11. i love TOMs and boots.
12. Miranda Lambert is my idol.
13. i've had the same best friend since i was two.
14. Water for Elephants is my favorite book.
15. i hate it when i'm not tan.
16. i love cheetah print.
17. i get extremely disgusted by weird smells.
18. i love country music.
19. i've been a cheerleader at Lincoln for three years.
20. i am NOT a morning person. at all.
21. i used to be a vegetarian.
22. favorite food - chinese.
23. i am usually very loud.
24. i treat my dogs like humans.
25. you can call me a tomboy, but i like to hunt and fish with my dad!

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