Tuesday, December 13, 2011

meet Hannah.

25 Things You Didnt Know About Hannah... our edgey-haired, tech wiz, music loving stylist...

1. i love to do crafts, such as cross stitch, applique, sewing, and anything else i can try!
3. i started college at UNI in Music Education with a music scholarship. i obviously changed careers but still want to be involved with music and kids.
4. i've played piano since i was in kindergarden.
5. i am currently attending DMACC part-time in hopes of finishing up my degree.
6. i am extremely scatterbrained and a little disorganized.
7. i am addicted to coffee.
8. i love to bake things and try new recipes.
9. my boyfriend and i have two dogs - Macaroni and Sneeze
10. i believe i have the BEST family. they are all so unique and i love spending time with them.
11. i love to go see shows/bands at local bars and venues.
12. i hate leftovers.
13. my family and i greatly enjoy going for Mexican food and margaritas!
14. i am a big fan of shopping at thrift/vintage stores.
15. Diet Pepsi is better than Diet Coke.
16. i like to change my hair a lot! (most of you probably already know that)
17. i enjoy playing my Super Nintendo and Nintendo DS.
18. my boyfriend Tim and i love trying out different local restaurants when we can.
19. i have a crush on John Cusack... (at any age, but especially in Say Anything!)
20. i moved from Cedar Falls to Des Moines less than two years ago and i absolutely love it here.
21. i like going to craft shows.
22. i think the East Village is one of the coolest part of Des Moines and i like supporting the local businesses.
23. when i was younger i was part of Des Moines Children's Choirs. we toured around the country and to Canada.
24. two of my best friends have been in my life since we were about five years old.
25. my next tattoo is going to be a pin-up girl hairstylist. its going to be awesome... Sorry, Mom! :]

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