Tuesday, December 13, 2011

meet Katie.

25 Things You Didnt Know About Katie... our spray-tan expert/weavologist and hot mamma stylist...

1. i love college football.
2. favorite food = french fries.
3. i have a three year old son, Reece.
4. i've traveled to Spain and Italy.
5. i always wear hair extensions.
6. i love 80's music!
7. i was once a fashion major in college.
8. i have one sister.
9. i have serious OCD.
10. i had a mullet until 3rd grade!
11. ive ran three half marathons.
12. yellow is my favorite color.
13. i love getting pedicures, hate giving them.
14. i am a Leo.
15. Austin, TX is my favorite place ever.
16. i love to sing karoake.
17. i just bought my first house.
18. i graduated from the Aveda Institute Des Moines.
19. i could watch the Twilight series every day.
20. celebrity crush = David Beckham
21. i love tattoos; i have three.
22. margaritas are my favorite cocktail.
23. i went to the same school K-12 grade.
24. my family is the most important thing in the world to me.
25. i love being a stylist at Trixies!

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