Tuesday, December 6, 2011

meet Lisa.

25 Things You Didn't Know About Lisa... our bookworm beauty, resident blogger, and stylist...

1. im a huge procrastinator and am always running late.
2. i love fountain diet coke and truly believe McDonalds tastes the best.
3. i was the student body vice president in high school.
4. graduated from the University of Iowa and have a B.S. in Psychology. Go Hawks!
5. i love scary movies but still cover my eyes and/or scream during the scary parts.
6. im secretly pretty geeky. i love the library and read... a lot!
7. i have a brother named Ryan who is five years older than me.
8. my niece ila is almost three and is the craziest, funniest kid i have ever met, and she loves Aunt Kiki!
9. i know all of the words and dance moves in Dirty Dancing.
10. i LOVE home shopping networks and infomercials. i could watch them all day! they are just so exciting!
11. i wrote for the newspaper in high school and my column was named "fishnet tights and glitter!"
12. i refuse to walk through the exit if i am entering a building and will not exit an entrance.
13. i believe the toilet paper end goes over, not under, and i will change it at friends' houses, work, public restrooms, etc
14. my senior class voted me "Best Hair" and "Most Likely to be a Rockstar."
15. i laugh out loud at tv shows, books, and movies no matter where i am or who i am with... even by myself in the living room.
16. i name all of my vehicles. i currently drive a red blazer named "Gingy!"
17. i have always wanted to be a flight attendant and a roadie with a band...
18. i have a major celebrity crush on both Anderson Cooper and Dr. Drew Pinsky. it must be something about their grey hair and buff bods!
19. golden girls is one of my all time favorite shows.
20. i have been a bridesmaid or an attendant in six different weddings so far... pretty much a professional.
21. i eat all of my food on plates... even subway or fast food. i will let it go cold before i eat it out of a bag or wrapper!
22. i am a farmer's daughter... and yes i can drive a tractor.
23. i live out in the country in a mobile mansion with one of my great friends from high school, Bridget, and her crazy dog, Boots. we are a dysfunctional little family!
24. i often lie about my age... for no good reason at all.
25. i love writing and plan on finishing a novel someday... even if no one reads it!

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