Tuesday, January 24, 2012

decorating inspirations.

i was watching For Rent on HGTV this weekend and saw the coolest frame collage they did for one of the living rooms. the room was pretty small, but they infused some really amazing style and personality with just a few design pieces. the end result was chic and eclectic... and i just loved it. anyway, all the frames were mismatched and bought from a flea market. some were round, some were square, some were pretty tattered, some were shiny, etc. instead of doing pictures, they did textured/patterned fabrics and scrapbook paper inside the frames. with the mania that is Pinterest, i am sure some of you have seen ideas like this, but i thought it was gorgeous.
this isnt the room from the show but it is similar to the technique. i cant wait to try it!   xoxo.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

golden globes favorites.

 while the awards show itself may have been a bit of a snooze-fest, there was some great hair, makeup, and fashion at the golden globes this year! lets start with the hair. i thought Reese Witherspoon's tousled waves and volume were amazing. Evan Rachel Wood's short locks looked sophisticated in a sea of long hair, and Charlize Theron's textured updo on the side with the headband was simply gorgeous

 Makeup remained fairly understated overall, but Emma Stone's metallic smokey cat eye was absolutely fantastic and Angelina Jolie (who almost religiously sports nude lips anymore) had red lips that accented her dress perfectly.

 i must say that i really do love awards season simply for the red carpets, and the lovely ladies below were some of our favorite looks.

 until the next show. xo

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

our latest obsession.

extravagant and detailed nail art is really trendy right now and all over the glossy magazines. there are metallic polishes that you can create really cool designs in, you can transfer newspapers onto your nails, and Sally Hansen has really cool at-home applications with tons of designs!

how amazing are those?! i love the anchor and stripes.

here are tricia's girls night out nails. i love how she only did a few fingers. so fun!
if you guys decide to rock this trend, send us a pic or tag us on facebook.  xo

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

meet Kelsey.

25 Things You Didnt Know About Kelsey... high school student by day, front desk coordinator by night. super stylish and follows Katie's philosophy: you can never be too tan or too blonde!

1. i like to sew.
2. i have two sisters.
3. i've been riding horses since i was four!
4. i love kids and babies.
5. i have four dogs and one horse.
6. i love summer.
7. celebrity crush - Ryan Gosling.
8. i want to see Paris before i die.
9. i never want to move out of Iowa.
10. favorite colors - pink and yellow.
11. i love TOMs and boots.
12. Miranda Lambert is my idol.
13. i've had the same best friend since i was two.
14. Water for Elephants is my favorite book.
15. i hate it when i'm not tan.
16. i love cheetah print.
17. i get extremely disgusted by weird smells.
18. i love country music.
19. i've been a cheerleader at Lincoln for three years.
20. i am NOT a morning person. at all.
21. i used to be a vegetarian.
22. favorite food - chinese.
23. i am usually very loud.
24. i treat my dogs like humans.
25. you can call me a tomboy, but i like to hunt and fish with my dad!

meet Ashley.

25 Things You Didnt Know About Ashley... our always smiling front desk coordinator, full-time cosmo student, and organizer extraordinaire...

1. i hate scary movies. they freak me out and give me nightmares!
2. i have been married since 2005.
3. i hate drinking white milk.
4. favorite color is green.
5. i love consignment shopping.
6. music is a way of expression for me and i love pretty much anything but country.
7. i love horses.
8. i can get emotional about things easily.
9. im very stubborn.
10. i love shopping.
11. i want to travel. ive never done much and only been on a plane to travel once!
12. ive never grown my hair much past my shoulders.
13. i have a huge OCD about socks being saggy on feet! it drives me crazy!
14. i love sushi. its amazingly good!
15. i played volleyball in high school and still love it.
16. i love cooked carrots with salt and pepper.
17. i am scared of heights.
18. i get car sick easily.
19. i have one brother and a step-sister named Ashley, too.
20. i love wine. merlot is one of my favorites.
21. i have a step-son and my husband and i have a son together. yes, i live with all boys!
22. i love to do crafts.
23. my Mom is an inspiration to me.
24. i love photography.
25. i have a huge passion for Harley Davidson motorcycles.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

meet Jessica.

25 Things You Didnt Know About Jessica... front desk coordinator and college freshman. shes got moves like Jagger and a borderline abnormal obsession with sharks...

1. i have a dog named Lily and she howls when you clap your hands.
2. my favorite animals are sharks; favorite shark is a great white.
3. my #1 on my bucket list is to swim with 10 or more sharks, the first being a great white.
4. my favorite place in the world is Andros, Bahamas.
5. love Audis, especially the R8. i will hopefully own one in the future.
6. i love crime shows and am always watching Criminal Minds.
7. i have one younger sister.
8. i am currently attending Simpson College.
9. would love to get my PhD in Psychology and help people with self-esteem issues.
10. Anastasia, Finding Nemo, Dumb & Dumber, and Ave Venture: When Nature Calls are my all-time favorite movies. i usually watch one daily.
11. LOVE strawberry cheesecake and krispy kreme doughnuts.
12. i love embarrassing myself. for example, driving around Des Moines with clown noses or a blonde mullet wig.
13. i love milk and diet dew.
14. i would never shower if i didnt have to.
15. "nothing can bring you peace, but yourself" - daily quote i live by.
16. i collect anything with a bow on it!
17. family and friends mean the world; i always have a good laugh when i am with them.
18. Ralph Waldo Emerson has the most inspiring quotes.
19. if i could breathe underwater, that is where i would live.
20. born and raised on the Southside.
21. i have really bad ankles. if i stand or drive for too long, they start to feel like i have a growing pain.
22. when i own a house, i want an entire wall to be an aquarium.
23. i judge food on the way it looks, if it looks gross, i will not eat it.
24. i love playing practical jokes on people.
25. i am a very sarcastic person. i am always joking with someone; if not, its a bad day!

meet Katie.

25 Things You Didnt Know About Katie... our spray-tan expert/weavologist and hot mamma stylist...

1. i love college football.
2. favorite food = french fries.
3. i have a three year old son, Reece.
4. i've traveled to Spain and Italy.
5. i always wear hair extensions.
6. i love 80's music!
7. i was once a fashion major in college.
8. i have one sister.
9. i have serious OCD.
10. i had a mullet until 3rd grade!
11. ive ran three half marathons.
12. yellow is my favorite color.
13. i love getting pedicures, hate giving them.
14. i am a Leo.
15. Austin, TX is my favorite place ever.
16. i love to sing karoake.
17. i just bought my first house.
18. i graduated from the Aveda Institute Des Moines.
19. i could watch the Twilight series every day.
20. celebrity crush = David Beckham
21. i love tattoos; i have three.
22. margaritas are my favorite cocktail.
23. i went to the same school K-12 grade.
24. my family is the most important thing in the world to me.
25. i love being a stylist at Trixies!

meet Hannah.

25 Things You Didnt Know About Hannah... our edgey-haired, tech wiz, music loving stylist...

1. i love to do crafts, such as cross stitch, applique, sewing, and anything else i can try!
3. i started college at UNI in Music Education with a music scholarship. i obviously changed careers but still want to be involved with music and kids.
4. i've played piano since i was in kindergarden.
5. i am currently attending DMACC part-time in hopes of finishing up my degree.
6. i am extremely scatterbrained and a little disorganized.
7. i am addicted to coffee.
8. i love to bake things and try new recipes.
9. my boyfriend and i have two dogs - Macaroni and Sneeze
10. i believe i have the BEST family. they are all so unique and i love spending time with them.
11. i love to go see shows/bands at local bars and venues.
12. i hate leftovers.
13. my family and i greatly enjoy going for Mexican food and margaritas!
14. i am a big fan of shopping at thrift/vintage stores.
15. Diet Pepsi is better than Diet Coke.
16. i like to change my hair a lot! (most of you probably already know that)
17. i enjoy playing my Super Nintendo and Nintendo DS.
18. my boyfriend Tim and i love trying out different local restaurants when we can.
19. i have a crush on John Cusack... (at any age, but especially in Say Anything!)
20. i moved from Cedar Falls to Des Moines less than two years ago and i absolutely love it here.
21. i like going to craft shows.
22. i think the East Village is one of the coolest part of Des Moines and i like supporting the local businesses.
23. when i was younger i was part of Des Moines Children's Choirs. we toured around the country and to Canada.
24. two of my best friends have been in my life since we were about five years old.
25. my next tattoo is going to be a pin-up girl hairstylist. its going to be awesome... Sorry, Mom! :]

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

meet Lisa.

25 Things You Didn't Know About Lisa... our bookworm beauty, resident blogger, and stylist...

1. im a huge procrastinator and am always running late.
2. i love fountain diet coke and truly believe McDonalds tastes the best.
3. i was the student body vice president in high school.
4. graduated from the University of Iowa and have a B.S. in Psychology. Go Hawks!
5. i love scary movies but still cover my eyes and/or scream during the scary parts.
6. im secretly pretty geeky. i love the library and read... a lot!
7. i have a brother named Ryan who is five years older than me.
8. my niece ila is almost three and is the craziest, funniest kid i have ever met, and she loves Aunt Kiki!
9. i know all of the words and dance moves in Dirty Dancing.
10. i LOVE home shopping networks and infomercials. i could watch them all day! they are just so exciting!
11. i wrote for the newspaper in high school and my column was named "fishnet tights and glitter!"
12. i refuse to walk through the exit if i am entering a building and will not exit an entrance.
13. i believe the toilet paper end goes over, not under, and i will change it at friends' houses, work, public restrooms, etc
14. my senior class voted me "Best Hair" and "Most Likely to be a Rockstar."
15. i laugh out loud at tv shows, books, and movies no matter where i am or who i am with... even by myself in the living room.
16. i name all of my vehicles. i currently drive a red blazer named "Gingy!"
17. i have always wanted to be a flight attendant and a roadie with a band...
18. i have a major celebrity crush on both Anderson Cooper and Dr. Drew Pinsky. it must be something about their grey hair and buff bods!
19. golden girls is one of my all time favorite shows.
20. i have been a bridesmaid or an attendant in six different weddings so far... pretty much a professional.
21. i eat all of my food on plates... even subway or fast food. i will let it go cold before i eat it out of a bag or wrapper!
22. i am a farmer's daughter... and yes i can drive a tractor.
23. i live out in the country in a mobile mansion with one of my great friends from high school, Bridget, and her crazy dog, Boots. we are a dysfunctional little family!
24. i often lie about my age... for no good reason at all.
25. i love writing and plan on finishing a novel someday... even if no one reads it!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

meet Ari.

25 Things You Didn't Know About Ariella... stylist and makeup/skincare aficionado...

1. originally from Des Moines, born and raised on the South Side.
2. love to sing.
3. a good book can distract me from anything.
4. my style is eclectic... in every aspect of my life.
5. I have a little GIRL on the way!
6. I am an only child.
7. my favorite food is anything that involves pasta.
8. I spend way too much money on coffee.
9. I could walk miles... I love walking.
10. I enjoy perusing World Market... no agenda necessary.
11. if I could change one thing about myself, it would be my hair... I want more of it.
12. Control Force and Green Science Firming Eye Cream are my staple products... and any lip product.
13. I would love to travel to Italy or Australia.
14. one of my favorite movies is Amelie.
15. I love family game night.
16. my husband and I are huge fine beer fans... he even brews his own.
17. NBC Thursday Night TV is a ritual in my home.
18. I would be lost without my planner and my many lists.
19. I grind my teeth at night.
20. I love taking naps in the middle of the afternoon.
21. I keep crayons and coloring books at my house... for myself!
22. I hate clutter... I throw everying away.
23. my husband and I always kiss each other goodbye before we leave for work in the morning and at night before bed.
24. I have a crazy, high-energy, loud-barking Beagle for a dog. we love him a lot.
25. I absolutely love all the women I work with and for.